Frequently Asked Questions about Veteran Affairs

QUESTION: How do I get my VA benefits started at UNA?

ANSWER: Contact
Phone: 256.765.4971 Email: The office is located in the Guillot University Center (GUC),你可以下载他需要你填写的表格 on our GI Bill Information page 带着它们来帮助加快流程,或者通过他的电子邮件发送.

QUESTION: I just left active duty and am a new student at UNA, 我真的觉得和兄弟会/姐妹会的人在一起不舒服,因为我年纪大了,也更聪明了, is there an organization for Vets on campus?

ANSWER: Of course there is, UNA军事和退伍军人联盟是一群军人和退伍军人学生, 教职员工和社区中倡导退伍军人问题的其他支持者.  该组织还计划社会活动,并参与校园和社区活动.  UNA MVA是一个公认的学生组织,是美国学生退伍军人协会(SVA)的活跃分会。 Simply contact the MVA president,Emily Hovater, Email: and she will assist you in what you can do to join.

QUESTION: 退伍军人和现役军人被认为是自动独立的联邦需要分析的目的. However, 退伍军人管理局和美国教育部对退伍军人的定义不同, leading to some confusion. How can I determine my veteran status?


QUESTION: I am enrolled in school. When will I receive my benefits from VA?

ANSWER: Because most schools start at about the same time, 我们通常在一个学期开始时就会被入学人数所淹没. 在这段时间里,我们大约需要10到12周的时间来处理注册. Please be patient. 我们将在收到的日期前按顺序处理所有注册. If you try to log into the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment system (WAVE) 系统无法登录,或者看到你的记录从上学期开始就没有更新, we have not processed your current enrollment.

如果你的福利是基于你作为服务人员的身份, veteran, or reservist, 你必须在每个月底核实你的注册,以便获得福利. Benefits are paid after each month of school is completed. 验证可以在每月的最后一天开始使用我们的 Web Automated Verification of Enrollment system (WAVE) 或者拨打免费电话1-877-823-2378,使用您的按键式电话. 这两项服务每周7天,每天24小时提供. 如果您正在接受911后(CH33)或家属教育援助(CH35), 福利会在每个月的月底自动发送,你不需要采取任何行动.

QUESTION: What if I am receiving Education benefits, am called up, and drop out of school without receiving credit?


  • You are entitled to receive MGIB, MGIB-SR, VEAP, or DEA benefits through the date you dropped out of school.
  • If you were called up under title 10 (federal authority), 当您向我们发送您的订单或DD-214副本以验证标题10项下的服务时,我们将恢复您在获得福利期间所收取的权利.

For example, if you were in school one month and had to drop out, 你在这段时间内保留这笔钱,我们会在你的权利中增加一个月,供你以后使用. If you were called up under title 32 (state authority), you don't receive the entitlement restoration benefit.

  • If you have been overpaid education benefits, 如果你们被部署到战区,我们将推迟集合行动. 然而,一旦你从战区返回,你可能要为任何多支付的福利负责.

QUESTION: Are my education benefits taxable?

ANSWER: No. 根据退伍军人事务部(VA)管理的任何法律支付的任何退伍军人福利都不应作为收入报告给美国国税局(IRS)。.

QUESTION: Can I receive credit for military training?

ANSWER: As a veteran, active-duty, or reserve status member of the US Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, 视乎你的基本现役服务日期/基本入薪日期而定, 你可能有资格获得美国教育注册委员会的成绩单学分. 你必须要求将正式成绩单寄到学校 UNA admissions office 所以它可以被评估为学分,并K8彩乐园到你的学生记录中. 

美国陆军教育委员会注册成绩单系统(AARTS), 美国海军陆战队美国教育委员会注册成绩单(SMART), along with the Coast Guard Institute (CGI), 已经一致实施一个协作成绩单项目. 联合服务成绩单(JST)是一个统一和标准化的文件,它将使学术机构更容易审查和阐明推荐的大学学分, as appropriate, for professional military education, 服务人员和退伍军人的培训课程和职业经验.



QUESTION: How do I apply for Education benefits?

ANSWER: VA Regional Processing Offices in Atlanta, St. Louis, Buffalo, 和马斯科吉正在接受所有Chapter索赔的申请和证明文件.

If you have never submitted an Education Claim to VA:
Submit an Application for "Application for VA Education Benefits" (VA Form 22-1990).

A new application form is not required. However, 你应提交任何可用的文件,例如你的退伍证明(DD表格214), 现役订单的副本和任何其他可用的合格服务证据,以帮助建立本计划的资格. You should also submit a “更改课程或受训地点申请书”(表格22-1995) 此表格用于将您的教育福利转移到您想参加的新学校.

QUESTION: What is the Military Tuition Assistance Return Policy?

ANSWER: 在完成60%的注册期之前正式退出课程的学生将重新计算学费援助资格. If a student earns a failing grade, 教师提交的最后出勤日期将用于确定学生是否非正式退出并在60%完成之前停止上课. 正式的最后出勤日期用于确定完成的天数.

退税金额将根据使用以下公式重新计算资格来确定:# of days completed# of days in term = percent earned