条款 & 条件


K8彩乐园条款 & 管理财政援助奖励的条件

Your acceptance of financial aid indicates that you have read and understand all related terms and conditions of your award(s). You are strongly encouraged to read this entire document and retain a copy for your records.

请记住,您的整个经济援助奖可能会根据资金的可用性以及提供给学生经济援助办公室或收到的任何更新信息而发生变化.  The financial aid identified on your Award Notification is being offered to you with the following terms and conditions:

  • 你必须在UNA注册为攻读学位的学生.
  • 你一定是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
  • 特殊学生、临时学生、早期学者和非分类学生 不符合资格 申请第四章联邦学生资助, 包括联邦直接斯塔福德贷款和联邦直接PLUS贷款. UNA不认证临时学生的私人贷款.

学生经济援助办公室(OSFA)保留更改政策的权利,这可能会影响您将来获得经济援助的资格.  Failure to comply with financial aid policies may result in the need for you to repay aid already received.


你的奖励是基于你将全日制注册的假设. Full-time status is 12 credit hours for undergraduates and 9 credit hours for graduate students, 在通往你学位课程的课程中. To be eligible for most financial aid you must be enrolled and maintain at least half-time status.

如果你退学, 撤回, 或者做出其他学术上的改变, 你的经济援助奖励可能会被调整,并且可能需要偿还. 联邦助学金是基于每学期12个学分的全日制注册. 如果你注册的学生少于全日制学生, 你的助学金, 包括联邦佩尔助学金, 以及联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), 会减少还是取消.

Please Note: Your Summer financial aid award offer(s) will be manually processed based upon your initial 招生. 如果您在夏季冻结日期之前更改了您的日程安排, 请K8彩乐园的办公室审阅.

如果你没有正式退学就不去上课, 你的经济援助奖励可能会被调整,并且可能需要偿还.

If you drop below 6 credit hours (undergraduate)/5 credit hours (graduate) in any semester, all remaining student loan disbursement(s) in the current academic year 将被取消. You may request that you be re-awarded student loan money for the remaining semesters in the academic year. 你有责任要求重新授予你的学生贷款. 下学期的学生贷款将分两期发放, 一半的贷款资金在下学期初发放,另一半贷款资金在学期中期发放.

您有责任了解从UNA退出的学生应遵循UNA退出政策和程序.  The federal government has implemented a 撤回al policy for institutions called the Return of Title IV funds.  If you receive financial aid and 撤回 before the sixty (60) percent point of your 招生 for the term, you may be required to repay any refund received and other aid disbursed on your student account.  我们将以书面形式通知你必须偿还的金额.

You will be responsible for repaying any funds you receive that exceed your financial need, 或者出于任何原因, 你就没有资格获得经济援助了.

You may receive Federal Pell Grant at 只有 one college or university during the semester.

UNA保留随时减少或取消您的奖励的权利. 修改/取消可能是由于入学状态的变化, 招生, 分类, 住院医生实习期, 住房状况, 资金可用性的变化, 或获得其他奖项.


你必须对学位课程或证书课程保持满意的学术进步(SAP),才有资格获得联邦学生援助. 你的学习进度将在每个学期结束时被检查. 你必须达到以下学术进步标准:

  1. 平均绩点(GPA). The student must meet the University’s minimum academic GPA requirements for the student’s respective academic class level. Refer to the Scholastic Standards section of Academic Procedures and Requirements in the current UNA catalog.
  2. 完成课程时数的百分比. 学生必须完成UNA至少67%的课程时数. 在UNA尝试的所有课程时数, including any course hours which may have been dropped or for which the student did not receive a passing grade, 包括在这个计算中吗. 7月1日生效, 2011, UNA接受的任何转校课程学时将包括在此计算中. 即使学生可以申请并获得大学的重复/重新计算政策或第二次机会规定的好处,也不会对联邦计算的课程时数进行学术宽恕.
  3. 最大时间范围. 学生最多可修180学时以完成学士学位第一学位的要求,最多可修216学时以完成学士学位第二学位的要求.  允许的研究生课程的最大数量因项目而异.

请在满意的学业进步政策中查看SAP政策.  (插入超链接) http://w87.whqlhg.com/financial-aid/satisfactory-academic-progress.html


34 CFR 668.修改全日制学生的定义,允许重复的课程计入学期制课程的注册状态.

  • 学生只能重修一次以前通过的课程,并获得经济资助.
  • 学生可以重修不及格的课程,直到通过,只要保持令人满意的学业进步,就可以获得经济资助.


助学金是根据你当时的入学情况发放的. 如果你获得了经济援助,但不是全日制学生, 您的援助将被审查,并可能在退学/添加后进行调整. If you plan to drop classes and/or be enrolled part time (less than 12 hours for undergraduates, 毕业生少于9小时), 学生经济援助办公室建议您不要兑现或花费您的经济援助退款,并根据您预期的兼职注册状态联系经济援助办公室审查您的经济援助奖励.

You will receive financial aid in two installments (one half is disbursed for fall semester; the second half for spring semester), 除非另有说明. 费用将直接记入您的学生账户.

如果你是第一次申请学生贷款, your first loan disbursement will be delayed until 30 days after the beginning of your first term at UNA. This will occur 只有 during the first semester of the student’s attendance at the university.

如果你正在接受一个学期的联邦学生贷款.e. 仅限秋季学期或春季学期, 你的贷款将分两期发放,第一次在学期开始时发放,第二次在学期中期发放.

如果支付给你学生账户的经济援助总额超过了你的总费用, UNA学生账户办公室将向您发放退款.

Outstanding requirements may prevent your financial aid from disbursing in a timely manner. 为了防止这种情况发生, 请登录您的UNA 门户网站帐户检查您的未完成要求.


当所有要求都得到满足时, 你的经济援助将支付到你在UNA的学生账户.

联邦援助基金将支付学费, 费用, 合同规定的食宿(如适用), UNA书店的课本, 及其他相关教育费用.  如果所有的费用已经支付,并且信用结果, 剩余的联邦资金将通过退款返还给学生.


奖学金 are applied toward the payment of the K8彩乐园 tuition and 费用, 校内食宿, 和UNA书店的课本. 奖学金可能有额外的颁发标准, 细节, or restrictions - please review your award letter carefully for individual and/or endowed scholarship guidelines.

机构奖学金不予退还. 请参阅商业退款政策了解更多信息.



奖学金将被记入你的UNA学生账户. The K8彩乐园 will not pay any amount of your scholarship award directly to you in the form of check, 现金, 直接存款或借记卡.

奖学金的支付取决于K8彩乐园K8彩乐园基金会提供的资金. 所有奖学金都有可能根据资金情况发生变化, 预算限制, 以及申请人的规模/质量.

Your student billing statement may list different funding sources for your scholarship.  然而, the total amount of your scholarship each semester will equal the amount stated in your award letter. 

Excellence 奖学金 are for incoming freshmen entering UNA immediately after graduation from high school. 作为一项规则,学生可以获得不超过一个UNA卓越奖学金.

All scholarship offers are time sensitive and must be accepted by the date specified in your scholarship award letter. Scholarship offers are subject to cancellation if not accepted within the stated offer period.

学生经济援助办公室(SFA)将在秋季学期结束时检查所有一年级优秀奖学金获得者的成绩. SFA will cancel the spring semester scholarship award for any Excellence Scholarship recipient who earns below a 2.在UNA的第一学期GPA达到30.

Students who receive a renewable university scholarship must meet the minimum renewal criteria outlined in their award letter, to include meeting minimal GPA requirements and pass 27 hours within the fall and spring semesters.  只有在当前援助年度内在K8彩乐园成功完成的学时才会被考虑更新要求. Hours completed at other institutions do not count towards the hour requirement for your scholarship. Hours completed in the previous academic year or as an early college student do not count towards renewal requirements. 所有奖学金的续期都是根据unagpa进行审查的. 

每个各自的学术部门或学院可以发送自己的奖学金通知给被选中的学生 赋予 系或学院颁发的奖学金. 然而, 学术部门或学院发出的奖学金通知函不是官方的,对学校不具有法律约束力. The official notification of the scholarship award will come from the 学生资助办公室 在资金核实后,奖学金的支付被核实.

为了获得奖学金的学分,您必须每学期在UNA注册至少12个本科学时,该奖学金可以支付. 你在另一所大学注册的学分不会被认为达到12(12)或更多的本科注册学时.  奖学金在秋季学期支付50%,在春季学期支付50%.

It is your responsibility to be aware of the amount your scholarship is eligible to pay.

你的奖学金是 不支付 研究生课程学时, even if you should enroll in graduate courses at the same time you are enrolled for undergraduate courses. 您可能注册的任何研究生学时都不包括在本科学时中,以达到本学期至少12学时.

如果你不符合适用于奖学金的条件, 你可能需要偿还全部或部分奖学金.

如果你在获得奖学金学分后辍学或退学, 任何退款将按比例分配到奖学金帐户, 根据联合国的既定政策. 例如, 如果你的学费减少50%, 那么你的奖学金将减少50%.

If you completely 撤回 from all courses during any semester while receiving your scholarship, 所有剩余学期的奖学金, 如果有任何, 将被取消. (没有例外:例如. 医疗撤离)

你的奖学金金额是 只有 学年的秋季和春季学期, 除非在单独的奖学金协议中有明确规定.

You must enroll in consecutive Fall-Spring semesters to continue to receive your scholarship. Your scholarship is not eligible to be deferred to a later semester or a later academic year than what is stated, 除非得到学生资助主任的书面批准.

你有责任了解GPA和学分的最低更新要求,以便每学期或每年更新你的奖学金. 学生经济援助办公室不负责或有义务提醒或通知您奖学金的最低续期要求. 你可以向学生经济援助办公室索取这些信息.

在注册主任办公室记录并公布您的奖学金更新的最低学术要求之前,您的奖学金将不会续签到下学期或下学年. 你有责任确保另一所大学的成绩报告, 无论是国外还是国内, 的资料会提供给注册处存档及张贴吗.

您未能阅读和理解这些条款和条件并不免除您遵守这些条款和条件的责任, 也不承担因未能满足学术更新要求而失去奖学金的责任.

根据1974年的《K8彩乐园》(FERPA), 经过修改后, I understand that my educational records cannot be released without my written permission. 因此,我授权K8彩乐园(UNA)向我的捐赠奖学金捐赠者发布我的教育记录,以便在不违反FERPA的情况下分享教育记录. 我明白,只要我从上述捐赠者那里获得捐赠奖学金,这份释放协议就会有效,我有权随时通过通知UNA学生经济援助办公室来撤销这份释放协议. 

请注意: 财务援助办公室将所有通信发送到您的UNA电子邮件地址. It is your responsibility to keep your UNA e-mail account active and to check your messages frequently.
